Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This wizard helps you to setup Mailster. All options available can be found later in the settings. You can always skip each step and adjust your settings later if you're not sure. | The guide hjælper dig med at opsætte Mailster. Alle tilgængelige indstillinger findes under indstillinger. Du kan altid springe over hvert trin og justere senere hvis du ikke er sikker. | Details | |
This wizard helps you to setup Mailster. All options available can be found later in the settings. You can always skip each step and adjust your settings later if you're not sure. The guide hjælper dig med at opsætte Mailster. Alle tilgængelige indstillinger findes under indstillinger. Du kan altid springe over hvert trin og justere senere hvis du ikke er sikker.
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campaigns | Kampagner | Details | |
Create Screenshot for Feature Image | Opret Screenshot for Feature billede | Details | |
Create Screenshot for Feature Image Opret Screenshot for Feature billede
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Include your Theme's style.css | Medtag din temaets style.css | Details | |
Include your Theme's style.css Medtag din temaets style.css
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Receivers | Modtager | Details | |
Time Options | time Options | Details | |
can be changed in each campaign | kan ændres i hver kampagne | Details | |
can be changed in each campaign kan ændres i hver kampagne
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Create a Form to engage new Subscribers | Opret en formular til at engagere nye abonnenter | Details | |
Create a Form to engage new Subscribers Opret en formular til at engagere nye abonnenter
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Info Messages | Info Beskeder | Details | |
Receiving Content | Modtager indhold | Details | |
Time between mails | Tid mellem mails | Details | |
Create a List now | Opret en liste | Details | |
Input | Tilførsel | Details | |
Title | Titel | Details | |
change Charset and encoding of your mails if you have problems with some characters | forandring Charset og kodning af dine mails, hvis du har problemer med nogle tegn | Details | |
change Charset and encoding of your mails if you have problems with some characters forandring Charset og kodning af dine mails, hvis du har problemer med nogle tegn
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