Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Manage Subscribers | Upravljanje pretplatnicima | Details | |
Please select at least the column with the email addresses! | Molimo odaberite barem jednu kolonu s e-mail adresama! | Details | |
Please select at least the column with the email addresses! Molimo odaberite barem jednu kolonu s e-mail adresama!
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Importing Contacts...%s | Uvoz kontakata...%s | Details | |
Estimate time left: %s minutes | Preostalo vrijeme: cca %s minuta | Details | |
Estimate time left: %s minutes Preostalo vrijeme: cca %s minuta
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Downloading... | Preuzimanje... | Details | |
You are currently importing subscribers! If you leave the page all pending subscribers don't get imported! | Trenutno je pokrenut uvoz kontakata! Ako napustite ovu stranicu, svi preostali pretplatnici neće biti uvezeni! | Details | |
You are currently importing subscribers! If you leave the page all pending subscribers don't get imported! Trenutno je pokrenut uvoz kontakata! Ako napustite ovu stranicu, svi preostali pretplatnici neće biti uvezeni!
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Your download is preparing! If you leave this page the progress will abort! | Vaše preuzimanje je u pripremi! Ako napustite ovu stranicu preuzimanje će biti prekinuto! | Details | |
Your download is preparing! If you leave this page the progress will abort! Vaše preuzimanje je u pripremi! Ako napustite ovu stranicu preuzimanje će biti prekinuto!
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IP Address | IP Adresa | Details | |
Signup Date | Datum pretplate | Details | |
Ignore column | Ignoriraj stupac | Details | |
Reason | Razlog | Details | |
Signup IP | IP prilikom pretplate | Details | |
Confirm Date | Datum potvrde | Details | |
Confirm IP | IP prilikom potvrde | Details | |
Comma-separated values (CSV) | Zarezom odijeljene vrijednosti (CSV) | Details | |
Comma-separated values (CSV) Zarezom odijeljene vrijednosti (CSV)
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