Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
CAN-SPAM | CAN-SPAM | Details | |
Add an attachment to your campaign. | Afegiu un document adjunt a la vostra campanya. | Details | |
Add an attachment to your campaign. Afegiu un document adjunt a la vostra campanya.
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Note: Each attachment will increase your overall mail size, consider to share a link instead of attaching a file to prevent your email getting too big. | Nota: cada document adjunt incrementarà la mida total del correu. Considereu compartir un vincle enlloc d'adjuntar un arxiu per prevenir que el vostre correu es torni massa gran. | Details | |
Note: Each attachment will increase your overall mail size, consider to share a link instead of attaching a file to prevent your email getting too big. Nota: cada document adjunt incrementarà la mida total del correu. Considereu compartir un vincle enlloc d'adjuntar un arxiu per prevenir que el vostre correu es torni massa gran.
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Attachment | Document Adjunt | Details | |
Attachment doesn't exist or isn't readable! | El document adjunt no existeix o no és llegible! | Details | |
Attachment doesn't exist or isn't readable! El document adjunt no existeix o no és llegible!
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Attachments must not exceed the file size limit of %s! | Els documents adjunts no han d'excedir de la mida d'arxiu límit de %s! | Details | |
Attachments must not exceed the file size limit of %s! Els documents adjunts no han d'excedir de la mida d'arxiu límit de %s!
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This campaign doesn't have any attachment. | Aquesta campanya no té cap document adjunt. | Details | |
This campaign doesn't have any attachment. Aquesta campanya no té cap document adjunt.
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Add Attachment | Afegeix Document Adjunt | Details | |
New %s | Nova %s | Details | |
Server time: %1$s %2$s | Hora servidor: %1$s %2$s | Details | |
Buy a new Mailster License | Compra una nova llicència de Mailster | Details | |
Buy a new Mailster License Compra una nova llicència de Mailster
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A new Version is available | Hi ha una nova versió disponible | Details | |
A new Version is available Hi ha una nova versió disponible
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Verify | Verifica | Details | |
Add New | Afegeix Nou | Details | |
Current Year | Any actual | Details | |
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