Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Kindly provide the email address you would like to use for your account. If you already have a Freemius account, please use the same email address. | Navedite e-poštni naslov, ki ga želite uporabiti za svoj račun. Če že imate račun Freemius, uporabite isti e-poštni naslov. | Details | |
Kindly provide the email address you would like to use for your account. If you already have a Freemius account, please use the same email address. Navedite e-poštni naslov, ki ga želite uporabiti za svoj račun. Če že imate račun Freemius, uporabite isti e-poštni naslov.
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Why is this step required? | Zakaj je ta korak potreben? | Details | |
I already have my Freemius license! | Že imam licenco Freemius! | Details | |
I already have my Freemius license! Že imam licenco Freemius!
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Mailster License Migration completed! | Mailster Licenca Migracija končana! | Details | |
Mailster License Migration completed! Mailster Licenca Migracija končana!
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Your license has been successfully converted. | Vaša licenca je bila uspešno pretvorjena. | Details | |
Your license has been successfully converted. Vaša licenca je bila uspešno pretvorjena.
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Congratulation you know have a %s Plan! | Čestitam, da veste, da imate %s načrt! | Details | |
Congratulation you know have a %s Plan! Čestitam, da veste, da imate %s načrt!
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Your Freemius Account | Vaš račun Freemius | Details | |
License: %1$s | Licenca: %1$s | Details | |
Upgrade your License | Nadgradnja licence | Details | |
%s is not initialized yet Mailster | %s še ni inicializiran | Details | |
%s Tags Mailster | %s Oznake | Details | |
Downloading the latest version of %s Mailster | Prenos najnovejše različice %s | Details | |
Downloading the latest version of %s Prenos najnovejše različice %s
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%1$s has been updated to %2$s. [Mailster] has been updated to [version] | %1$s je bil posodobljen na %2$s. | Details | |
%1$s has been updated to %2$s. %1$s je bil posodobljen na %2$s.
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Branding | Znamčenje | Details | |
Show %s Branding in your campaigns. Mailster | Prikaži %s Znamčenje v svojih kampanjah. | Details | |
Show %s Branding in your campaigns. Prikaži %s Znamčenje v svojih kampanjah.
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