Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Subscriber saved | Suscriptor grabado | Details | |
You have no subscribers yet! | No tiene suscriptores por el momento. | Details | |
You have no subscribers yet! No tiene suscriptores por el momento.
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Error message Color | Color del mensaje de error | Details | |
Subscribers | Suscriptores | Details | |
You have now %s subscribers in total. | Tienes un total de %s suscriptores. | Details | |
You have now %s subscribers in total. Tienes un total de %s suscriptores.
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Before you can start sending your campaigns Mailster needs some info to get started. | Antes de empezar a enviar campañas Mailster necesita un poco de información. | Details | |
Before you can start sending your campaigns Mailster needs some info to get started. Antes de empezar a enviar campañas Mailster necesita un poco de información.
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Estimate time left: %s minutes | Tiempo restante estimado: %s minutos | Details | |
Estimate time left: %s minutes Tiempo restante estimado: %s minutos
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No subscribers found | Ningún suscriptor encontrado | Details | |
Subscribers are located in %s different countries | Los suscriptores se encuentran en %s países diferentes | Details | |
Subscribers are located in %s different countries Los suscriptores se encuentran en %s países diferentes
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You have received this email because you have subscribed to %s as {email}. If you no longer wish to receive emails please {unsub}. | Has recibido este correo electrónico porque te has suscrito a %s como {email}. Si no deseas seguir recibiendo correos electrónicos, por favor {unsub}. | Details | |
You have received this email because you have subscribed to %s as {email}. If you no longer wish to receive emails please {unsub}. Has recibido este correo electrónico porque te has suscrito a %s como {email}. Si no deseas seguir recibiendo correos electrónicos, por favor {unsub}.
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Bit Size | Tamaño en bit | Details | |
Existing subscribers | Suscriptores existentes | Details | |
Subscribers have been subscribed | Los suscriptores, se han suscrito | Details | |
Subscribers have been subscribed Los suscriptores, se han suscrito
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You have successfully unsubscribed! | ¡Se ha dado de baja correctamente! | Details | |
You have successfully unsubscribed! ¡Se ha dado de baja correctamente!
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Bounce Address | Email para rebotes | Details | |
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