Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Homepage created! | Página creada! | Details | |
There was a problem progressing the file | Hubo un problema al procesar el archivo | Details | |
There was a problem progressing the file Hubo un problema al procesar el archivo
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allow self signed certificates | permitir certificados auto firmados | Details | |
allow self signed certificates permitir certificados auto firmados
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Company | Compañía | Details | |
Homepage on %s | Pagina Inicial en %s | Details | |
Popup width | Ancho de la ventana emergente | Details | |
There was an error while adding the form: %s | Hubo un error mientras se añadía el formulario: %s | Details | |
There was an error while adding the form: %s Hubo un error mientras se añadía el formulario: %s
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Allow users to signup on the comment form if they are currently not subscribed to any list | Permitir a los usuarios registrarse en el formulario de comentarios, aunque no estén suscritos a ninguna lista. | Details | |
Allow users to signup on the comment form if they are currently not subscribed to any list Permitir a los usuarios registrarse en el formulario de comentarios, aunque no estén suscritos a ninguna lista.
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Homepage slugs | slug página inicial | Details | |
Post List Count | Listas de número de post | Details | |
There was an error while deleting forms: %s | Hubo un error al eliminar los formularios: %s | Details | |
There was an error while deleting forms: %s Hubo un error al eliminar los formularios: %s
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Allow users to update their data with this form | permite a usuarios acceder a sus datos con este formulario | Details | |
Allow users to update their data with this form permite a usuarios acceder a sus datos con este formulario
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Complete your settings | Completar tu configuración | Details | |
Postfix | Postfijo | Details | |
There was an error while deleting subscribers! | ¡Hubo un error mientras borrabas suscriptores! | Details | |
There was an error while deleting subscribers! ¡Hubo un error mientras borrabas suscriptores!
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